Dedicated Advocates For Serious Personal Injury Victims

Failure To Detect And Diagnose Cancer

Generally, early detection of cancer can save life and prevent suffering and death. Early detection of cancer greatly increases the chances for successful treatment. Often signs, symptoms and complaints are not sufficiently heeded by your doctor and are sometimes even ignored. Symptoms which may be associated with cancer require testing so as to rule out conditions that are most dangerous for your health and wellbeing. Blood tests, CAT Scans, MRIs, mammograms and biopsies are commonly used by the medical profession to detect cancer.

There are instances where doctors fail to order these important tests, and there are also situations where the proper tests are ordered, but the test results are not properly interpreted and even occasions where the doctor fails to communicate the results of a test to the patient, which contribute to a delay in diagnosis. Delay in diagnosing cancer can deprive a patient of a more favorable outcome and make the prognosis worse than it would have been had a timely and proper diagnosis been made in the first place.


The attorneys at Sanocki Newman & Turret, LLP, have vast experience representing plaintiffs who have been injured or have died as the result of medical malpractice involving failure to diagnose cancer. Our firm has represented patients in failure to diagnose cancer cases involving:

  • Breast cancer
  •   Ovarian/cervical cancer
  •   Colon cancer
  •   Lung cancer
  •   Skin cancer
  •   Prostate cancer
  •   Thyroid cancer
  •   Uterine cancer
  •   Stomach cancer
  •   Rectal cancer
  •   Bladder cancer
  •   Kidney cancer
  •  Noncancerous tumors

Our team of attorneys will assist in reviewing your case. We obtain your medical records and radiological studies, consult with appropriate medical expert specialists (oncologists, radiologists, surgeons) and evaluate your case to determine how to bring it to a successful conclusion for you and your family.

If you believe that you were not timely diagnosed with a cancerous condition, please contact our firm to discuss your case.