Erb’s Palsy
Erb’s palsy is a form of brachial plexus palsy. It is named for one of the doctors who first described this condition, Wilhelm Erb.
The brachial plexus is a network of nerves near the neck that give rise to all the nerves of the arm. These nerves provide movement and feeling to the shoulder, arm, hand and fingers. Palsy means weakness, and brachial plexus birth palsy causes arm weakness and loss of motion.
These injuries arise most commonly, but not exclusively, when the obstetrician doctor uses excessive force or traction on the baby’s head during delivery. This stretches or actually may sever nerves of the brachial plexus.
“Shoulder dystocia” is the term used to describe the situation during delivery when a baby’s head delivers but the shoulder then becomes stuck behind the mother’s pubic bone. The failure to recognize the signs of this and to handle the situation properly can be devastating for the baby. There are maneuvers specifically designed to deliver the baby safely when shoulder dystocia occurs. None of these maneuvers involve moving the baby’s head at all. If, however, the obstetrician applies lateral traction, a side-to-side motion or pushes the baby’s head downward (toward the floor) when the baby’s shoulder is stuck behind the mother’s pubic bone, the spinal cord nerve roots in the neck can be stretched to the point of rupturing them. The result is an Erb’s palsy, commonly referred to as a brachial plexus palsy, in which the function of the baby’s arm and sometimes the hand can be severely impaired or even paralyzed.
Our team of attorneys with the consultation of physicians, including gynecologists and pediatric neurologists, will assist in reviewing your medical records, and investigating and evaluating your case to determine its merit and the nature and extent of the injuries sustained by your child. I evaluating the future damages that your child may be entitled to may consult with economists to determine the future financial losses sustained by your child, including lost wages which may exist for the remainder of your child’s work life expectancy.
The attorneys at Sanocki Newman & Turret, LLP, have achieved verdicts and settlements that are among the largest in New York state for a child suffering from a birth related Erb’s Palsy injury, including a $1.75 million settlement in a medical malpractice case a case for a child who suffered Erb’s Palsy following a negligent delivery by his mother’s obstetrician.
If you believe your child’s birth injury was the result of medical malpractice you and your child may be entitled to monetary compensation for physical and emotional pain and suffering and economic losses.
For help finding out why your child was injured during childbirth call Sanocki Newman & Turret, LLP, at 212-962-1190.